Sunday, May 11, 2014


浓浓的康乃馨花香,又是到了五月母亲节的季节。时光流逝,您已经离开我们第三年了,如果您还健在,我今天还是会像往年般的为您庆祝这个感恩的节日。我还是会为您准备您所爱吃的班兰蛋糕,带您去吃一顿好的。虽然您已不在了,不过我从来都不曾觉得您已离开我们,我还是感觉到您留守在我们的身边,只是到别的地方去远行, 作短暂的离别。妈,您的确永远活在我的心坎里,无时无刻的陪伴着我们, 护着我们。



MY Life Zone said...

Normally on this day.. my mum will have 2 cakes. 1 from my sisters and 1 from my brother and she will take have cakes for 3 meals :p She love green pandan layer cake too.. My sis ordered that every year.

Well, this year they visited her too... i hope they can 'tahan' not to 'leak' as we had chat over whatspps before they go to visit her ...

I believe you mum will receive all your loves and flowers... we both gonna strong.. life goes on ..

KM's Corner 刻骨铭心 said...

Yes, this is 3rd year.. I am ok now. But I still really miss my mom, I believe you also same.. and this is your 1st year celebrate mother's day without your mom around. Times will cure the sadness... take care!