Sunday, July 11, 2010

美味的肉粽 ~ tasty Bak Zhang

昨天突然很想吃肉粽,就在家附近的早市巴刹买了两粒肉粽带回家与家人一起大快朵颐。其实之前已有向这位婆婆购买过,她所包裹的粽子不但美味,而且价廉物美!一粒才三块半,超大粒的(比普通所售卖的大两倍), 而且馅料也很多 ~ 有咸蛋黄,两个香菇,瘦肉和三层肉, 都是婆婆自己亲手包裹~home made) ~ 很超值。不知为何,今天又很想再吃(上瘾了),所以又向她光顾了。

Nice home made "Bak Zhang" (glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves), bought it from the pasar pagi (morning market) near my house.. it is just RM3.50 per piece ~ big size, nice and very tasty! Importantly, it is home made by an old auntie, there are a lot of ingredients ~ egg yolk, mushroom and pork. I've addicted to it. :)


MY Life Zone said...

I love Bak Chang!!!
Make me feel like get 1 for myself :)

KM's Corner 刻骨铭心 said...

MY, yeah.. I addicted to it. But cannot eat too much, no good for health. Just enjoy eating it once a while is OK. :)

Hong CN said...

端午节过了,还傻肉粽? :-P

KM's Corner 刻骨铭心 said...
