Wednesday, June 3, 2009

面书 - Facebook (FB)

最近在FB (面书) 找到多位已失去联络的中小学朋友,觉得蛮开心的。对于那些好久都不见的朋友,蛮期待他们的状况。在闲聊的当儿,获知老朋友们大多数都已身为人父/母了。

感觉真的不可思议,时间真的过得好快!在我的脑海(印象)中,老朋友们还是穿着学校的制服,是个中学生的模样。。哈哈!不过,当看到他门目前的照片的时候。。嘿! 个个都是成年人了,成熟了,不再是以前的学生样子,觉得有点怪怪和蛮有趣的。。 :)

FB is a great tool that really helps to re-connect back all the old friends/relatives that we've lost contact for quite sometimes.. no matter where and when... around the globe.



Hong CN said...

I also get in touch with quite a number of old schoolmates. It's nice tool to get in touch with. :-)

MY Life Zone said...

true... my primary schoolmates (we no see each other since 12 yrs old).. got me in facebook ... quite imaze....

KM's Corner 刻骨铭心 said...

CN/MY- actually I've created my FB account for years but only actively using it recently.. then only discovered the amazing power of the tool..haha!