Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry X'mas 2009

Merry X'mas 2009! Ho Ho Ho...
Time flies... it's holiday season again.. In conjunction with this festive season, our collegues have organized a small Christmas Celebration Party in our office area. We also took the opportunity to gather and to know more about each other. We had great fun and full of laughter today.. :-0

Many thanks for the organizers and helpers behind the scene who made this happened today with short notice and limited time.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


已经好一段日子(大概三年)没有烘焙了。今天心血来潮,打开好久没有使用的"老爷"烤箱和mixer,决定为两个little monsters烘焙Pandan Chiffon Cake,让他们尝一尝老爸的手艺,哈哈!可能已经好一段日子没有烘焙了,所以蛮担心今天的作品会失败。不过还好,final product还保持之前的水准。。献丑了!




香喷喷的Pandan Chiffon Cake已经完成


Monday, November 30, 2009

Extra gift from God

Many people asked me :"How many kids do you like to have?" Mmmm.. my common answer is "Just 2, as I have already got a boy and a girl, that's enough and perfect!". Nowaday, it is not easy to have many kids as compare with our parent's time. Everything is money, working parent.. education, living expenses are high and many things more. Importantly, we are planning to focus on work + business + 2 kids in this few years.. we dont have extra time.. and 24 hours really not enough for us!

However, we've received an extra bonus from God in July, it is pretty shock when we discovered we are going to have a new family member soon. This time we dont really feel excited as compared with the previous pregnancy., as that is really out of our plan! Times flies, we are going to welcome our new born in another 4 months.. and we've accepted the fact.. why not?! Extra gift from God... he sure will be our best and great family member! We got to appreciate and just re-plan everything! No matter how, I believe we are able to handle it and nothing is impossible! Boy..welcome... our beloved bonus gift!

Last but not least, we got to make sure no more extra bonus after this gift. 知足常乐!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


不要误会了,我这里指的不是国家的政府,而是老板,boss也!这两天太太得到吉隆坡受训,所以只好拜托 她的“好”老师帮 她take care of the centre.我心里已经在想-当太太不在的时候,那一群“好”老师一定搞东搞西的(作鬼作怪啦!). 正如我预料之内, 她不在的第一天,已经收到家长的投诉了,好快!话说一位学生在上课时向老师发表问题,可是发现老师在忙着用手提电脑,于是便走向前看看老师在忙些什么。老师竟然说“嘿,你自己做功课!不要打扰老师,我很忙!”。当学生一看,竟发现老师在忙着玩Facebook, 忙着种菜 (Facebook游戏)!我想后来那位学生很不开心的向妈妈告状,就这样我们收到家长的投诉! P/S: 还好他有向妈妈投诉,不然我们将蒙在鼓里!

好失望,真的!我们准备电脑给教员是为了让他们方便寻找教学资料,没想到他们就这样滥用这个设备。而且还明目张胆的在学生面前玩游戏,太过分了!这位无知的老师未免太低估现在的学生吧!一位小学生会那么无知吗?小学生不是3-6岁的幼儿, 更何况现代的小孩,甚至幼儿都不像以前的小孩了,他们会向父母报告学校的一切一切!就好像我的儿子,他才4岁,不过已经是相当不错的新闻播报员了! 那位烂老师还以为老板不在就神不知鬼不觉吗?未免得太幼稚了吧!

当天晚上,我马上赶回中心将电脑收起,以便将它带回家。不过故事还没结束,当我到达中心的时候,Oh my God! 一片垃圾,到底发生了什么事?垃圾桶堆满了食物渣,零食袋。。刚开完舞会吗?我顿时肚子一把火,好生气好生气!@$@!$!%^%$#!!! 没办法,我只好充当女佣的角色,将它一一的整理干净。我真的好想骂人!院长才不在一天,已经搞成这样,太过分了!

终于,院长今天回到学院了。。一切归于平静。。很好笑的是-我充当女佣的事情,那些职员很快的知道了,还第一时间马上向他们的院长解释-“那天我忘了整理和收拾垃圾,因为太忙了!我本来打算第二天早上清理的,没想到您的先生在当晚便过来收拾了,不好意思啊!“ 多好听呀。。“忘记,太忙。。打算第二天早上清理.。。“真是很动听的解释。他们不打自招,明明心里有鬼!

不用担心,一系列的action to be taken against them! 我们将会将这一群超懒和超烂的职员好好的修理一番!等着瞧!

P/S: 其中一位烂苹果(玩facebook的) 只会工作到下个星期。。就让他烂吧! 其余的将一个一个修理和慢慢的将他们洗得干干净净!

Family Trip

Wow! It has been quite sometimes never blog, almost one month plus... @_@ Perhaps I am too lazy to blog due to busy life. OK, let's share with you all - on the short family trip during Raya holiday. It is kinda short and rush holiday trip, but kids truly enjoyed! We went to Sunway Lagoon, KL city walk and some window shopping..hehe..! Meimei was the most excited one, as this is her very 1st time to visit KL together with her koko, daddy and mommy. Here are the great moments that I managed to capture during the trip. We are looking forward for the next holiday plan in Dec.. Cameron Highlands.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

中元节 - 会心一笑

今天是七月十五。不要害怕。我在这里与你分享一段有趣的video clip, 肯定会让你会心一笑!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


好多回忆涌上心头。。这部电视剧是我在小学时在国营电视台 (RTM2)播出的。那时候电视台很少播映中文片的。还记得那时我们家才刚买一台颜色电视机。看了这个video clip,仿佛回到了那个年代。。。一首歌,一出戏的影响力是多么的大啊!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Very touching & meaningful video clip

I received this video clip from my friend, a very touching & meaningful scene.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009




得不到的东西,我们会一直以为他是 美好的,





爱的力量大到可 以使人忘记一切,却又小到连一粒嫉妒的沙石也不能容纳。

Friday, July 10, 2009

See.. the creativity

I was invited by 3Q northern region business associate to be a judger for the kids talent competition on last month. I am not the judger of the concert but for the art/craft competition. I was impressed with some of the creativity art/craft works (using recycled items) produced by 3-6 years old kids. Good to see that some parents are not just "push" the kids for academic but also developing their creativity through art/craft classes. Sometimes I really feel sad/bad to the new generation kids as they have to face various kind of pressures from the parent in their early age.

Here are some pictures I managed to capture.. share with you.

Sea World

Bird nest

Star fish.. at the beach

Photo frame (marks were deducted as not utilizing recycled items)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

MJ Memorial Catch Up

I am watching Michael Jackson Memorial Catch Up programme now... suddenly something came to my mind.. remind me that I've taken a picture in Hollywood Walk of Fame in year 2006. Feel sad and still can't believe MJ has left this world..

Sunday, July 5, 2009


妹, 你在阿麻(外婆)家已住了一个星期。不过,爸爸感觉上好像蛮久的。
将要抵达你外婆家的时候,看到一位穿着橙色小裙,圆圆矮矮的的小女孩背影,好可爱哦! 那不就是你吗?你小手拉大手, 拉着你大姨的手,一步步的走着.. 散步着。

当我们停下车后,我迫不期待的走向你的身边,抱起你来了! 不过你好像很骄傲哩,挣扎的要下来。你不想爸爸吗?我可好想你呀!妹妹呀,总是觉得你很爱耍性子,爱耍COOL的。小小年纪就要耍性格吗?当你妈没在的时候,你就特别的贴心-当你爸是宝,当你妈有在的时候,你就当你爸是草!你还得待在阿麻家三个星期啊!就是说我还得再等三个星期多才能够接你回家,下个星期不要再耍性格了,好吗?


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Durian, durian.. mari.. Our team building

I was so glad that our department had organized a durian team building this time... as I am a durian lover, so it is kind of excited to taste variety of 'branded' durian with FOC (company paid for it.. hehe!). We started our journey at 1pm.. all the way to Balik Pulau (a Penang's village which has the most durian farms). We were tasted 'ang har" ('red prawn'), "cheh kak" ("green skin"), and many more.. yummy, I really enjoyed with all the 'branded' durian.. great satisfaction!
One of the durian tree.. ever see durian tree before?

Chicken also have interest to taste it? Haha!


I'm sorry.. control your slaver, please!

Monday, June 8, 2009

煮家男人 - simple lunch of the day


Simple lunch of the day.. less than 30 mins to complete the cooking.
Damned boring day, guess I may go out later..

Fried Chicken nuggets

Yellow bean + fried eggs

Mixed vegetables

Friday, June 5, 2009

Kopi Peng + Curry Chicken Chee Cheong Fun.. yummy!

I was discovered this kopitiam from my friend's blog Foods Hunter - 猎食族 - Sin Sun Vood Kopitiam, located at Cintra Street, Georgetown. Nowaday, we are hardly find a nice Kopi Peng (Malaysian's Ice Coffee with milk), especially those kopitiam operated by the new generation.

After visited Foods Hunter's blog, I decided to go there have a try for the kopi. First impression, the environment is good.. as what CN has described in his blog, you will find a lot of antique furnitures in the shop. When looking at the antique furnitures, it has reminded me on my dad's kopitiam... the tables, chairs, also the counter. It is hardly find in the modern kopitiam now.

The Curry Chicken Chee Cheong Fun, taste good..! I was so happy when discovered my favourite's Curry Chee Cheong Fun from there.. I really miss it as unable to find real nice Curry Chee Cheong Fun for years. The curry was good and traditional.. I like it very much! If you wish to know more about this shop, please visit Food Hunters blog, you will learn more about the location and the story about this kopitiam. :)

Kopi Peng Kau (Rich Ice Coffee) - RM1.20 per glass. You really need to try it out, taste good!

Curry Chicken Chee Cheong Fun - original & traditional curry chicken taste
RM 3.80 per plate

The store was managed by an Ah Ee.. (old aunty)

Nice environment - you can find a lot of antique furnitures in the shop

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

面书 - Facebook (FB)

最近在FB (面书) 找到多位已失去联络的中小学朋友,觉得蛮开心的。对于那些好久都不见的朋友,蛮期待他们的状况。在闲聊的当儿,获知老朋友们大多数都已身为人父/母了。

感觉真的不可思议,时间真的过得好快!在我的脑海(印象)中,老朋友们还是穿着学校的制服,是个中学生的模样。。哈哈!不过,当看到他门目前的照片的时候。。嘿! 个个都是成年人了,成熟了,不再是以前的学生样子,觉得有点怪怪和蛮有趣的。。 :)

FB is a great tool that really helps to re-connect back all the old friends/relatives that we've lost contact for quite sometimes.. no matter where and when... around the globe.


Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy Birthday To You.. CJ!

CJ, you are 4 years old boy now!
I Know you like Ben10 so much, here is a special gretting card dedicated to you.
Happy Birthday To You! 生日快乐,聪明和安康。。!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hotel stay.. @ 25-26 April 2009

One nite hotel stay in Georgetown on last weekend.., and we were having a small 'illegal party' in the room .. steamboat dinner.. :) Managed to snap some pictures to share with you. The resolution may not that good as the pictures were taken from my mobile phone.
Soup ingredient = Onion + tomato

Onion is the natural 'ajinomoto' - it will make the soup so tasty and also good for health

Mix with tomato.. taste more better

Simple steamboat ingredient: chicken breast, sausages, potato and variety of fish balls

Wan Tan balls (not so good as it is too sweet)

Done.. ready to eat now

Hey hey.. while waiting for the food, I want to do some homework..!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Comparison 昔日与今日

Have a good laugh...! Do you agree with the situation below? :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Chicken a la Carte - you must watch it

Synopsis: This film is about the hunger and poverty brought about by Globalization. There are 10,000 people dying everyday due to hunger and malnutrition. This short film shows a forgotten portion of the society. The people who live on the refuse of men to survive. What is inspiring is the hope and spirituality that never left this people.

Director: Ferdinand Dimadura Genre: Drama Produced In: 2005

Feel free to watch the movie clip - it is just about 6 mins 9 sec... Very touching and we will learn to appreciate the good life, good food we have.

Friday, April 17, 2009



最近去拜訪了朋友,當我們都坐在朋友家的後院吃東西聊天時,他們的大女兒回家了。大女兒今年 18 歲 , 已經不住在家裡了。她跟著她的同居男友一起走了進來,兩個人手上都各有一枝煙。穿著很新潮,露著小肚子,後面露出腰的部份還有一個刺青。那個男孩子的手腕跟手臂上也有刺青。兩個人互相竊竊私語,有說有笑,但對外人都露出很不屑的眼神。

這讓我蠻感慨的, 我突然領悟到一件事,那就是其實父母跟食物一樣,都是有「有效限期」的。

我第一次見到這女孩時,她才8歲,跟我老大現在一樣大。10 年前我去她家時, 她可以在短短時間內,把我送的一瓶清酒上的字和圖,都一模一樣的畫出來。一個外國小女孩,居然可以把「日本清泉清酒」和酒牌上的櫻花,三兩下就輕鬆煽繪出來,我好驚訝。

自從那次以後,我經常慫恿她的父母帶她去拜師學藝。但他們永遠都可以找出一大堆不是理由的理由來搪塞我。奇怪的是她的父母一面搪塞我,卻又可以一面的跟我炫耀她女兒最近又畫了甚麼 。

突然驚覺 10 年過的好快,好像才昨天的事情,現在已經是 10 年後了。我不認為她的父母現在有資格去批評他們的女兒,因為一直以來,她的父母只顧著自己,從沒重視過她的教育問題。現在才想教育已經不可能了,理由很簡單,那就是因為父母的教育功效已經「過期」了。而且她的父母在「有效限期」內也沒努力過。

孩子在小的時候,父母對他們來說是萬能的,是完全可以依靠的。 這就是父母對孩子教育的黃金時期。等孩子一到了青少年時期,父母的「有效限期」就快到了。該說的,該教的,該做的,都應該早就都做足了,是到了驗收的時候了。這驗收的是父母的教育方針,也是孩子對外界的應變能力。「過期」 後的父母再怎麼努力,也比不過10年前來的有效了。要認知 「收手」和 「承受」的事實。

我突然很感嘆,我告訴我自己,我必須要在 黃金時期 內幫我的孩子做好面對未來的準備。因為時間真的過的很快,一轉眼就過了。我不想將來只有嘆氣,搖頭的份。是呀!父母是有限效期限的!小孩是老天爺(或上帝)給我們的禮物,當你不珍惜的時候, 老天爺(或上帝)就把這份甜蜜的禮物收回了.

Monday, April 6, 2009

One Customer 5 cent, 1000 customers=RM50.00!!!

Imagine... when you make a payment to a supermarket cashier, she said (with very unfriendly or like owe her $10,000 look) "I don't have small change, so I will charge you 10 cent instead of 5 cent.".. what will be your reaction? Maybe to certain people, they just leave it.. since just 5 cent. But imagine, if one person 5 cent, 1000 customers will be how much? 50 dollar! To me, 5 cent is nothing.. and we can't buy anything with 5 cent, but this is not a good reason or excuse given to the customer. As a large wholesaler company (name started with G, "Orang Besar" located in Bayan Baru), can't you prepare the small change to your customers? You are not operating your business at the road side, or selling nasi lemak - even a hawker selling bread said - "Never mind, since i don't have change, discount for you 5 cent la.." ..big company like you should learn from the hawker! SHAMEFUL!

WHAT NO CHANGE? Or you just simply thought everyone is ok and trying to cheat your customer? This is a very basic principle or customer rights where we have to pratice, don't obey but have to ask for it- no matter how much is it..I rather donate the small change as a charity than being cheated and paid to the cashier (I believe they will "masuk" owned pocket). Thus I insist the cashier to pay me back the change, but she declined and just don't care of me (not staring at me and really impatient look). What the hack.. man?? This is so called a customer service? I was then visiting the customer service counter and complaint to the person in charge, SURPRISINGLY they LAUGH and said "oh ya, the cashier suppose to give you back the small change!" .. yes, end up, they pay me back.. but with a very funny look and keep on laughing! Laughing..?! Fine, I will make a report to consumer service department soon, dare to laugh more!

I don't think I will visit this store anymore........

DO you facing the same experience before? Remember, 5 cent is nothing but it means a lot if they cheated 1000 or 10,000 customers!

P/S: The receipt is still with me... with the cashsier name.. just scannned it and share with everyone :) but it is a bit blur..

Monday, March 30, 2009

YE's Photo Album is ready!

Finally, YE's photo album is ready and here are some cute pictures share with you. The pictures were taken from a photo studio last 2 months.

Friday, March 27, 2009

28 March... switch off our lights for 60 mins.. for a better world

Let's make a stand against global warming....!

Monday, March 23, 2009

080308 One Day trip

Photo sharing on the one day local trip on 8 March 2008... :) Kids really enjoyed and we are going to have another local trip this weekend and next weekend :)