Sunday, June 20, 2010

父亲节快乐!Happy Father's Day!

今天是父亲节,我想大多数人都比较注重母亲节多于父亲节。就比如我儿子/女儿的幼儿园在上个月的母亲节就特别安排孩子设计了节日卡给他们的妈妈,不过这个月好像没什么动静(没有任何手工艺品送于我这个老爸)。。。Why Why Why?!



Hong CN said...

Happy Father's Day to you and me :-P

MY Life Zone said...

Happy Father's Day to you lar... so ke lian... true also... yday i had remind my son on fathers day.. he said "mm.. happy papa day", asked him to kiss and hug the father, he did so.. coz the father bought him Iron Man school bag + water bottle... hahha

KM's Corner 刻骨铭心 said...

Thanks CN.. same to you.. Happy Father's day, bro!

MY - thank you! At least your son did greet his daddy. For me, no one greet me at all, I believe my wife forget about it! :(