Tuesday, June 29, 2010


在还没有参与教育事业的时候,我还认为现代的孩子还是和我们那一个年代那么的纯真。不过我觉得我好像是错了。无可否认,现代的孩子和新新人类的行为或言语举止已经和七十年代的出生的孩子有相当大的分别了(不过我不想一支竹竿打翻整船人,有大部分的新新人类还是非常棒的)。 以下是在教育中心所experience(面对)过的变态行为:



第二,将书本撕烂(不知道受到什么刺激), 然后硬塞进厕所和浴室排水孔(厕所和浴室两间一起进行和中招!!!)。当受害者冲凉或冲水的是时候,导致厕所和浴室严重淹水,又吓坏了无辜的受害者!最后又得劳烦院长用压力泵抽掉阻塞物。。他妈的! (对不起,用了粗俗的句子~太生气了)

第一, 不知道那一个太子爷/大小姐太无聊,又或者吃得太温饱了。竟然将蛋糕从窗外抛!我想应该让那变态者搬到非洲去住上几年,尝一尝挨饿的滋味!

第二, 另一位变态者应该很讨厌书吧!从高空抛出书本。。书本从天而降。一位学生在后巷发现几本书,全落在水沟内!我蛮想用书本扫他几巴。



Hong CN said...

nowadays those kids are creative in sabo stuffs. Throwing them to survive outside... they may not know how to survive using basic instinct!

Lee Cheng Hoe said...

好久没到你的blog了因为好忙. 驚讶它又进步了许多. Take care, my friend.

KM's Corner 刻骨铭心 said...

CN, you are right. I believe the environment and different life style have changed/influenced the child's attitudes. Perhaps parent are more focusing on their study/exam result and put less attention on the behavioural education. I am pretty worried on my next generation too.

KM's Corner 刻骨铭心 said...

Master Lee,welcome back! 谢谢您的浏览。忙是一件好事,证明您生活充实,生意兴隆。

MY Life Zone said...

Probably study too hard... or too pressures... sometimes wondering today's kids is no longer 纯真.. root caused might from the parent.

Pressures from parent to force them study.. kids felt guilty for no doing well .. frustrations need somewhere to release... parent might not aware of their kids behavious .. Education from parent / home is always more important than academic...for yr case ..可怜 the 院长 only..

KM's Corner 刻骨铭心 said...

Hahaha...I believe you are right, MY. The school become the 出气筒, really 无辜!