Monday, April 6, 2009

One Customer 5 cent, 1000 customers=RM50.00!!!

Imagine... when you make a payment to a supermarket cashier, she said (with very unfriendly or like owe her $10,000 look) "I don't have small change, so I will charge you 10 cent instead of 5 cent.".. what will be your reaction? Maybe to certain people, they just leave it.. since just 5 cent. But imagine, if one person 5 cent, 1000 customers will be how much? 50 dollar! To me, 5 cent is nothing.. and we can't buy anything with 5 cent, but this is not a good reason or excuse given to the customer. As a large wholesaler company (name started with G, "Orang Besar" located in Bayan Baru), can't you prepare the small change to your customers? You are not operating your business at the road side, or selling nasi lemak - even a hawker selling bread said - "Never mind, since i don't have change, discount for you 5 cent la.." ..big company like you should learn from the hawker! SHAMEFUL!

WHAT NO CHANGE? Or you just simply thought everyone is ok and trying to cheat your customer? This is a very basic principle or customer rights where we have to pratice, don't obey but have to ask for it- no matter how much is it..I rather donate the small change as a charity than being cheated and paid to the cashier (I believe they will "masuk" owned pocket). Thus I insist the cashier to pay me back the change, but she declined and just don't care of me (not staring at me and really impatient look). What the hack.. man?? This is so called a customer service? I was then visiting the customer service counter and complaint to the person in charge, SURPRISINGLY they LAUGH and said "oh ya, the cashier suppose to give you back the small change!" .. yes, end up, they pay me back.. but with a very funny look and keep on laughing! Laughing..?! Fine, I will make a report to consumer service department soon, dare to laugh more!

I don't think I will visit this store anymore........

DO you facing the same experience before? Remember, 5 cent is nothing but it means a lot if they cheated 1000 or 10,000 customers!

P/S: The receipt is still with me... with the cashsier name.. just scannned it and share with everyone :) but it is a bit blur..


Hong CN said...

what's that crap store you visited? publish out the name.

MY Life Zone said...

i no experience b4, but i will do the same thing as wat u did .. not the matter of 5 cents..really oh, if me will scold them for the laughing..

KM's Corner 刻骨铭心 said...

CN - you know 巨人 Hypermarket? That is the store! I will publish the receipt soon.

MY - you are right..we just need to hold our 原则. It doesn't make sense to let go!