Monday, September 8, 2008

Progress updates on MRC Relau - Signboard is UP now

After busy for almost 3 months, the learning centre is almost ready.. 7 Sep (Chinese lunar calendar - 08.08.08) is a memorable day for MRC Relau branch. The day where the signboard is up....! Here are some pictures just for sharing...!


MY Life Zone said...

wow... so fast oh... wish u all the best!! and lot of business !! 开门大吉! 财源滚滚来!!

Hong CN said...

KM, did pass by after fetching my daughter. Saw your office signboard :-) Meet you soon during the opening day :-)

KM's Corner 刻骨铭心 said...

Thanks MY. The important thing is to make sure we take care of our students (academic) and hire quality teachers. This will help to gain reputation for the center. Pretty stress since last 2 months, not only mentally but financially stress too.

CN - thank you so much for offering help during the opening day. Glad to have a good friend like you! :)